System messages

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api-error-overwrite (Talk)Overwriting an existing file is not allowed.
api-error-stashfailed (Talk)Internal error: Server failed to store temporary file.
api-error-timeout (Talk)The server did not respond within the expected time.
api-error-unclassified (Talk)An unknown error occurred.
api-error-unknown-code (Talk)Unknown error: "$1".
api-error-unknown-error (Talk)Internal error: Something went wrong when trying to upload your file.
api-error-unknown-warning (Talk)Unknown warning: "$1".
api-error-unknownerror (Talk)Unknown error: "$1".
api-error-uploaddisabled (Talk)Uploading is disabled on this wiki.
api-error-verification-error (Talk)This file might be corrupt, or have the wrong extension.
apr (Talk)Apr
april (Talk)April
april-gen (Talk)April
article (Talk)Content page
articleexists (Talk)A page of that name already exists, or the name you have chosen is not valid. Please choose another name.
articlepage (Talk)View content page
ascending_abbrev (Talk)asc
aug (Talk)Aug
august (Talk)August
august-gen (Talk)August
autoblock_whitelist (Talk)AOL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
autoblockedtext (Talk)Your IP address has been automatically blocked because it was used by another user, who was blocked by $1. The reason given is: :''$2'' * Start of block: $8 * Expiry of block: $6 * Intended blockee: $7 You may contact $1 or one of the other [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|administrators]] to discuss the block. Note that you may not use the "e-mail this user" feature unless you have a valid e-mail address registered in your [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]] and you have not been blocked from using it. Your current IP address is $3, and the block ID is #$5. Please include all above details in any queries you make.
autoblocker (Talk)Autoblocked because your IP address has been recently used by "[[User:$1|$1]]". The reason given for $1's block is "''$2''"
autoblockid (Talk)Autoblock #$1
autocomment-prefix (Talk)-
autoredircomment (Talk)Redirected page to [[$1]]
autosumm-blank (Talk)Blanked the page
autosumm-new (Talk)Created page with "$1"
autosumm-replace (Talk)Replaced content with "$1"
backend-fail-alreadyexists (Talk)The file "$1" already exists.
backend-fail-backup (Talk)Could not backup file "$1".
backend-fail-batchsize (Talk)The storage backend was given a batch of $1 file {{PLURAL:$1|operation|operations}}; the limit is $2 {{PLURAL:$2|operation|operations}}.
backend-fail-closetemp (Talk)Could not close temporary file.
backend-fail-connect (Talk)Could not connect to storage backend "$1".
backend-fail-contenttype (Talk)Could not determine the content type of the file to store at "$1".
backend-fail-copy (Talk)Could not copy file "$1" to "$2".
backend-fail-create (Talk)Could not write file "$1".
backend-fail-delete (Talk)Could not delete file "$1".
backend-fail-hashes (Talk)Could not get file hashes for comparison.
backend-fail-internal (Talk)An unknown error occurred in storage backend "$1".
backend-fail-invalidpath (Talk)"$1" is not a valid storage path.
backend-fail-move (Talk)Could not move file "$1" to "$2".
backend-fail-notexists (Talk)The file $1 does not exist.
backend-fail-notsame (Talk)A non-identical file already exists at "$1".
backend-fail-opentemp (Talk)Could not open temporary file.
backend-fail-read (Talk)Could not read file "$1".
backend-fail-readonly (Talk)The storage backend "$1" is currently read-only. The reason given is: "''$2''"
backend-fail-store (Talk)Could not store file "$1" at "$2".
backend-fail-stream (Talk)Could not stream file "$1".
backend-fail-synced (Talk)The file "$1" is in an inconsistent state within the internal storage backends
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