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FOREST LAKE ASSOCIATION<br> WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2009-6:30P.M.<br> SWEETHEART INN President Chris DiBella called the meeting to order with all board members present.<br> All in attendance rose for the Pledge of Allegiance.<br> Motion made to waive and accept the minutes from the previous meeting on September 30, 2009. (UNAMIOUS) Treasurer Jeanne Papparlardo read the treasurer’s report.<br> Checking: $138.57<br> Savings: $2619.81<br> Jeanne made a change from last months update by giving Mike Condon a $40.00 check for two months of refreshments instead of a $30.00 check and $10.00 in cash. Jeanne deposited the $10.00 in cash.<br> Dave Aufiero made a motion to accept the treasure’s report, Jennifer Kannan seconded. (UNAMIOUS) NEW MEMBERS:<br> Laura Roderick from Palanga St. was welcomed by the association. Chris DiBella started by announcing some of the people who were in attendance that are running for public office here in Methuen. Councilor Jeanne Papparlardo- West District<br> Candidate Ed Guy – West District<br> Councilor Steve Zanni- At Large<br> Councilor Jennifer Kannan- At Large<br> Chris wished them all Good Luck! The sub-committee of the Association met with city officials and there was discussion about the sewerage on the lake. There may be another six or seven properties which are not directly on the lake but are in the watershed that may not be hooked up. Chris DiBella asked what the next step would be if they are not tied in or they have a failing system. <br> Joe Giarrusso stated that if it were evident that there was indeed a septic issue, then the Health Department could see if they comply with Title V standards, if not then in may be a legal issue.<br> Dave Aufiero stated during his meetings with the Mayor, he feels the Mayor is on board with the Association. Dave and Joe also mentioned that there is some pricing for other companies to run comprehensive testing on the lake and feels that the city can also do some in- house testing for water quality. <br> Gerry McCall asked what the perimeters of the testing are and Dave read from one of the estimates provided by Joe Giarrusso. Joe Giarrusso gave us a brief update on the draw-down.<br> The first portion begins drawing from the bottom. Now it’s drawing from the top of the lake. It is flowing at 5/10 of a foot. With the rain we had last Sunday (mini N’or Easter) a one week dry spell would put us back on track.<br> Dave Aufiero said ideally three consecutive days less than 32 degrees would kill the weeds in the lake. Jennifer Kannan spoke about the fall clean-up. There were 5-7 water logged telephone poles dragged out from the lake and put aside on the boat ramps along with about a dozen bags of trash and debris from both the town beach and Palanga St. boat ramps. The DPW picked up the debris on Monday. We want to say Thank You for all that helped. New Business:<br> Jeanne Papparlardo asked when the new dues are due.<br> Dave Aufiero stated January and also mentioned that in the by-laws we should set up an audit committee. Gerry McCall said he is a bit hesitant to invite a geologist that he knows who would explain to the association what all the testing means because a couple of meetings needed to be rescheduled. He said he could invite him to make a presentation to the association. Everyone in attendance thought that would be great and we could find out what others are doing to upkeep lakes.<br> Gerry MCall spoke about two types of grants; 604B and 309. In January they are coming out with RFP. He feels we may be eligible because we have 2 boat ramps. These grants can be used for a feasibility study, implementations and remedies. A suggestion was made that whoever is on the city side could call and discuss the application fee. The time may be right for us to receive grants. Next meeting between the sub-committee and the City is tentatively Wednesday, January 13, 2010 time-TBD.<br> Next Association meeting is Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at The Sweetheart Inn.<br> We all wish everyone a wonderful and healthy holiday season. Greg Kalivas made a motion to adjourn. Jennifer Kannan seconded. Meeting Adjourned at 7:15 Jennifer Kannan <br> Secretary
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Minutes: October 28,2009
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