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President Chris DiBella called the meeting to order. <br> All in attendance rose for the Pledge of Allegiance.<br> Motion made to waive and accept the minutes from the previous meeting on January 13, 2010. (UNANIMOUS) Jeanne Pappalardo read the Treasurers report: Checking: $ 238.57<br> Savings: $ 2619.81<br> We collected $ 140.00 for 2010 dues so far. This reflects Jeanne’s 2010 dues.<br> Jeanne passed out receipts for all in attendance who has paid 2010 dues. <h3>OLD BUSINESS:</h3> Vice President Greg Kalivas spoke about the presentation giving by Geosyntec and how impressed we were and how informative they were. <br> Fred Wagner said he would have liked to hear about some of the disadvantages regarding some of the run off solutions that were presented. He said on flat land it seemed to work well, but would like some answers about sloping areas. <br> Brian Lagrasse from the Health Dept. was in attendance and said he was there if the Association had any questions for him and also to give his input if we had concerns. <h3>SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT:</h3> The Sub-Committee met with the Mayor and Joe Giarrusso (Conservation Officer) to discuss a 604B grant which would allow an in-depth analysis on Forest Lake. Joe Giarrusso will be writing the application for the grant with one of the city’s grant writers. There is a March deadline and usually within 30 days we should find out if we will receive the grant.<br> Dave Aufiero said he spoke with the Mayor and the Mayor feels that we would meet the deadline for the grant submission. Wayne Couture mentioned if there is any stimulus money for the lake we should try to receive some of that also.<br> Gerry McCall mentioned that the 604B is an update of the 1988 Lycott study. The 604B makes recommendations for treatment and assessment for the lake. Once that is complete we can apply for the 319 grant which gives us the money for implementation of the 604B findings.<br> Wayne Couture said he was very impressed with Geosyntec comments and slide show of Corbett’s Pond in New Hampshire and would like to see the same for Forest Lake with more updated material than the 1988 Lycott study. He also wanted to know what type of in-house testing was done.<br> Dave Aufiero said we have done testing but no in-depth study since Lycott. Gerry McCall said last year was a good year for the lake due to lake of rain fall.<br> Kevin Flatley submitted two letters that were read to the association. Chris DiBella read them both.<br> The [[first letter]] was to the Mayor and City Council requesting that the street sweeping be done in early spring in the watershed.<br> <b>Motion made: by Jeanne Pappalardo, seconded by Dave Aufiero to send the letter from the Association. (UNANIMOUS)</b><br> The second letter was about the sub-committee meeting and stated the ways to go about getting the 604B grant. ([[Attached 1]])<br> Chris DiBella stated that if the Association had more money and more time we could hire a professional company to write the grant, however with the time restraint and the lack of funds the only way to move forward is to have the Joe Giarrusso who has a good track record in grant approval to write the grant. Jeanne Pappalardo also noted that if the Association had $15,000 we could have a professional company write the grant, but we don’t. She thanked Gerry McCall for bringing Geosyntec to the meeting and said she heard great comments from people about the presentation.<br> <b>Vote: 10 yes 2 no (Approved) City will write the grant.</b> Chris DiBella read a letter to the residents inviting them to the next meeting. ([[Attached 2]])<br> <b>Vote to have letters sent out: (UNANIMOUS)</b><br> Jennifer Kannan will make copies and send them to residents in the watershed.<br> It will also be on-line at <h3>NEW BUSINESS:</h3> Dave Aufiero was concerned if the gate was closed because he has not seen the lake rise. <br> Wayne Couture expressed his concern and said if it’s not closed it needs to be closed quickly.<br> Gerry McCall said at the next Sub-Committee meeting if we could take a look at the finished grant application. Jack Burke wants support from the Association to re-establish The Forest Lake Commission. <br> He would like to add the Public Health Dept. as part of the Commission. When it was up and running before it worked with the DPW. Jack has done some research and believes there may be some revenue the commission would have access to from the Recreational Revolving Fund and/or the waterways improvement fund from the state. <br> Dave Aufiero commented on how he was on the committee years ago along with Jack Burke and as time went out it seemed to diminish. He said they had done some good but had no authority, though he did like the idea. <br> Jennifer Kannan said that the Sub-Committee is very effective and we seem to be on the right track and wondered if the Forest Lake Commission would dilute the Associations effect. She suggested Jack Burke bring his information to the next meeting, we will announce this topic on the website and vote on it at the next meeting.<br> <b>Wayne Couture made motion to have Jack bring information about A Forest Lake Commission to the next meeting, seconded, by Greg Kalvias. (UNANIMOUS)</b><br> <b>Gerry McCall made a motion to add Jack Burke to the Forest Lake Association Sub-Committee, seconded by Wayne Couture. (UNANIMOUS)</b><br> Jeanne Pappalardo asked Dave Aufiero if he had any knowledge on what type of [[status the Forest Lake Association]] has with the Department of Revenue. Do we have to file taxes? Dave said he recollects that years ago they did, but then changed to a non-profit status and believes they didn’t have to file after that. Chris said he will check with the state to see how we are filed. <br> Jeanne Pappalardo asked Brian Lagrasse if the letters to residents finally went out about dye testing on homes that may not be tied-in to sewer. Brian said yes.<br> Dave Aufiero wanted to stress <b><u>THIN ICE WARNING!</u></b> Next meeting between the sub-committee and the City is tentatively Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 1:00 in the second floor conference room.<br> Next Association meeting is Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at The Sweetheart Inn. <b>Chris DiBella made a motion to adjourn. Greg Kalivas seconded.(UNANIMOUS) </b><br> Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.<br> Jennifer Kannan<br> Secretary
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Minutes: February 24,2010
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