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FOREST LAKE ASSOCIATION <br> WEDNESDAY AUGUST 26, 2009-6:30P.M.<br> SWEETHEART INN <br> President Chris DiBella called the meeting to order. All board members were present. All in attendance rose for the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion made to waive and accept the minutes from the previous meeting on June 9, 2009. (Unanimous) Treasurer Jeanne Pappalardo read the Treasure’s report. June 9, 2009 $50.00 in dues, paid $20.00 to The Sweetheart Inn for refreshments, June 12, 2009 deposited $30.00 into checking account. July 31, 2009 checking account balance: $148.57 July 31, 2009 savings account balance: $ 2619.81 Jeanne also noted the names on the account are now officially changed; Chris DiBella and Jeanne Papparlardo can both endorse checks for the association. NEW MEMBER: Jim Robertson has joined the association. Jim said he likes helping out people and wants to see the lake improve. Jim requested a moment of silence for Senator Ted Kennedy. Welcome Jim!! Al Torrisi welcomed West End Councilor candidate Ed Guy to the meeting. Welcome ED!! Jeanne Papparlardo wanted to remind everyone about the primary election to be held on Tuesday September 15, 2009. Jerry McCall said due to the uncertainty of the summer meetings he held off asking his guest speaker to join us. Maybe he will come speak this fall. Chris DiBella said he spoke to John Bonanno from the Health Department, John is in charge of the water quality testing on the lake. John stated that the beach did not have to be closed this summer. (Good News!!) The weather was a big factor. Gerry McCall talked in depth about the samples of water being tested and the times and places of the testing. He said it should be tested the same time on a weekly basis for the most accurate readings, regardless of rain or shine. Dave Aufiero talked about the ordinance that was passed regarding the sewage tie- ins on the lake. At that time most people tied in, there were a few hold-outs; at this point he feels everyone should be required to tie in. There was some talk of an “old cottage” that may not be tied in, but no one knows for sure. Dave Marsh asked if anyone knew if there is any power at that home, because they would need power for the septic system. No one seemed to know for sure. Gerry McCall questioned what happened during the 2009 ice storm with the homes on the lake which had no power for 4-5 days; how did their septic pump? Dave Marsh said most people moved out. Jeanne Papparlardo said she has received a few calls this year regarding the lake. 1) People using the lake after it closes and being destructive with city owned property. 2) People smoking pot and hanging out. Jeanne spoke to the chief of police and asked for more patrol. They did ticket a couple of people a few nights later. Jeanne asked if the city offers day passes for the beach. The costs are $30.00 for a season pass and $6.00 for a day pass. Dave Aufiero spoke about the boats being a problem on the lake. He stated there is an ordinance in place that states no motors on boats at ALL should be on the lake. He said the biggest problem is the boats from other lakes/ponds with weeds being brought onto the lake. He said this is not good for the life of the lake. Greg Kalivas asked if this was posted for people to see. Dave said it used to be. Dave Aufiero said the main issue is the water quality, we want to make sure the lake is maintained and we should focus on that. Due to all the concerns and issues regarding the safety and the boating issues recently brought up at the meeting. Jennifer Kannan made a motion that Chris DiBella sends a letter from the association to the chief of police stating we are requesting more patrol at the lake/beach and would like routine checks of anyone with a boat on the lake with any kind of motor on it and to strongly enforce the ordinance. Seconded by, Greg Doyle. UNANIMOUS Chris said he will also invite the chief to the next meeting so she can hear further concerns we may have. Dave Aufiero said next big issue the draw down. He said he will put together a letter and request the date for the draw down with his reasoning why this would help the lake. Any resident who notices excess debris around the boat ramp call the DPW. They do pick up at the ramp but there are times the debris is excessive. (Palanga St.) Al Torrisi suggested why the prisoners can’t help out cleaning the lake during the draw down when the trash is at its worst. Dave Aufiero stated a man named Kevin from Starbucks offers to help organize clean-ups and said he would inquire about that. After much discussion about the weeds and grant writing Kevin Flatley made a motion to form a sub-committee for that purpose, seconded by Gerry McCall. (Unanimous) Long Term Lake Sub-Committee: Kevin Flatley, Dave Aufiero and Gerry McCall. Points of Information: Kevin Flatley wanted to know if August 18, 2009 was the last test to be done on the lake. He stated he would like to see testing year round if it’s not already being done. Greg Doyle just wanted everyone to know that he is doing some work on the lake and is working with the conservation department to ensure all is done right. He stated he just wants to maintain his property the best he can. Scott Bradley wants to make sure what happened to Walker Pond in Sturbridge Mass does not happen to Forest Lake. He said many years ago weeds took over the pond and now it’s a swamp. Chris DiBella said he will contact the Mayor and invite him to a meeting. Chris said we need the Mayor’s support to help with lake issues. Next Meeting: SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 <br> 6:30 P.M. <br> SWEETHEART INN IF YOU LIVE ON THE LAKE OR HAVE ANY INTEREST ON HELPING KEEP THE LAKE SAFE AND CLEAN, WE INVITE YOU TO OUR NEXT MEETING. THIS IS METHUEN’S FINEST RESOURCE LET’S ALL HELP OUT. Motion to adjourn by Al Torrisi, Seconded by Greg Doyle Unanimous. JENNIFER KANNAN SECRETARY
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Minutes: AUGUST 27, 2009
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