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Vice-President Greg Kalivas called the meeting to order. <br> All in attendance rose for the Pledge of Allegiance.<br> Motion made to waive and accept the minutes from the previous meeting on October 28, 2009. (UNAMIOUS)<br> Greg read the Treasurers report:<br> Checking: $2619.81<br> Savings: $ 98.57<br> We collected $ 130.00 for 2010 dues so far. Guest Speakers:<br> Steve Roy and Bob Hartell from Geosyntec<br> TOPIC: Presentation on Forest Lake Gerry McCall invited Geosyntec to give the Association an overview about water quality on Forest Lake. They are located in Acton, Ma with 40 offices around the country.<br> Bob Hartell is a certified lake manager. He went over a management plan in detail to inform the association what it needs to do to maintain a clean and healthy lake.<br> The Four Main Components:<br> *Physical Features of the Lake<br> *Chemical Features of the Lake<br> *Lake Biology<br> *The Watershed<br> Bob stated that ideally a grant should and could be obtained to help with the clean up and preservation of the lake. <br> There was much discussion about what grant(s) we could receive and how we would go about getting them. The two main grants were:<br> 604b Water Quality Assessment & Planning Grants and the 319 Non Point Source Grants.<br> Bob stressed that GOOD projects usually get funded, if they could achieve something good. <br> He also stated that grant money IS available if you have a solid plan and someone to implement it. <br> QUESTIONS:<br> After the presentation there was a question/answer session:<br> Al Torrisi asked if a test could be conducted to see if houses are not connected.<br> (Bob) A shoreline survey may detect sewage seeping into the lake, but a dye test would need to be done to know for sure.<br> Brian Lagrasse (Methuen Health Dept.) said seven houses were found to have no tie-in records and only two of those were on the lake. He did say they may be tied-in but no record was found. He also stated that letters have been drafted to start dye testing. Brian felt the number one factor that contaminates the lake is human impact. Swimming, fertilizer, storm drums and run offs. He said the DPW has been cleaning the catch basins and storm drains more frequently and that last year (2009) the beach remained opened all summer. Dave Marsh asked if the winds are a factor with all the debris being pushed to the Palanga St. area.<br> (Bob) Yes. Dave also said that if the beach is closed how would the resident’s who reside along the lake know this without going to the beach. Brian said they announce it on the City’s website and now we can announce it on the Forest Lake Association website if need be. Dave said some people do not and can not access the web. <br> Kevin Flatley suggested that if the beach will be closed and it is going to be posted on the website, maybe Jack Burke could sent out a bulk e-mail to everyone on the Association e-mail list notifying them about the beach and ask them to pass the information along. Gerry McCall mentioned that maybe we could see if someone from Dracut and Pelham could attend one of our meetings so we can see what their residents are doing that could affect the lake.<br> Gerry also said if we do go for a grant, we need to make sure if the City will be doing any water quality testing that they are certified to perform some of the tests that the grant would require.<br> Gerry also wanted to be on record that he wants to make sure that the lifeguards at Forest Lake are certified. He wouldn’t want to see anyone get hurt or the city face a lawsuit.<br> Gerry made mention of the incident a couple years back when the lake was closed but someone left the gate open. He said he feels any closing or opening of the town beach should be with the Health Department only.<br> Brian Lagrasse said that it is in the Health Departments purview and they make the determination whether the beach would be opened or closed.<br> Gerry touched on issues that were brought up through-out the presentation and was also very informative with his environmental background.<br> The Association wants to say Thank You to Gerry for bringing Giosyntec to the meeting! Pat Villani said she would like to see an increase in our membership. Jennifer Kannan said if we send letters to the people in and around the watershed and invite them to attend the meetings that may help as well.<br> Wayne Couture said that this was the most informative meeting he has attended so far, many people agreed and want to keep the ball moving forward. <br> There was discussion about using some of the Association money to help pay a professional to write the grant. <br> Al Torrisi strongly opposed this. He said we need to announce and notify all members involved in the Association IF a vote to use the money for this purpose were to come up.<br> Others said they thought the money would be well spent on this. Kevin Flatley asked if the grant money is still around and both Bob and Steve said yes.<br> They gave us the deadline dates for the grants. 604b March 27, 2010<br> 319 June 1, 2010<br> They suggested the City would need to be involved in the grant writing. <br> It was decided that the sub-committee would meet with the Mayor again and go over some of what was said at the presentation. *Geosyntec left a brochure and a summary paper on water quality management.<br> Greg will bring the brochure the next meeting and Jennifer will make copies of the summary if anyone would like to review it. Point of Information:<br> Gail Doyle asked if anyone knows what the smell is around the Bumpy Lane/Country Lake area. Brian Lagrasse said he will look into that for her. New Business:<br> NONE Next meeting between the sub-committee and the City is tentatively Wednesday, February 3, 2010 time-TBD.<br> Next Association meeting is Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at The Sweetheart Inn.<br> Greg Kalivas made a motion to adjourn. Jennifer Kannan seconded. UNAMIOUS<br> Meeting Adjourned at 9:00PM Jennifer Kannan<br> Secretary
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Minutes: January 13,2010
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